Sonostar merges with Wellecho
2016-03-24Welcome WellEcho join Sonostar family.Sonostar has been in partnership with WellEcho for yVIEW MORE →2023-03-07 -
We will attend the 75th CMEF Fair (2016.4.17-20 Shanghai)
2016-03-18We will attend the 75th CMEF Fair (2016.4.17-20 Shanghai)Date: April 17-20, 2016Address: SVIEW MORE →2023-03-07 -
We will attend the 75th CMEF Fair (2016.4.17-20 Shanghai)
We will attend the 75th CMEF Fair (2016.4.17-20 Shanghai)Date: April 17-20, 2016Address: Shanghai NaVIEW MORE →2023-03-04 -
We will attend 41th(2016) Arab Heath Congress
2015-12-25Wewillattend41th(2016)ArabHeathCongressDate:25-28January2016Address:Dubai(UnitedArabEmiratVIEW MORE →2023-03-07 -
Our Ophthalmic and ECG gain title of provincial high-tech product
2015-12-25Warmly congratulate our Ophthalmic scanner and PC based ECG gain title of provincial high-VIEW MORE →2023-03-07 -
We are identified as National high-tech enterprises by Government
2015-12-25We are identified as National high-tech enterprises by GovernmentVIEW MORE →2023-03-07 -
Sonostar made great success at 2015 Medica Expo in Dusseldorf Germany
2015-11-23Sonostar made great success at 2015 Medica Expo in Dusseldorf Germany Sonostar finished thVIEW MORE →2023-03-07 -
Our 4D Wireless Probe had launch to market
2015-11-12Our 4D Wireless Probe had launch to marketBProbe-2 4D Wireless Probe Type Bladder ScannerVIEW MORE →2023-03-07