May 19, 2015 We Are Success on 73th CMEF Fair (2015.5.15-18 Shanghai)
- 2023-03-04
- 706
- Sonostar Technologies Co., Limited
We Are Success on 73th CMEF Fair (2015.5.15-18 Shanghai)
The 73th CMEF Fair hold in Shanghai at May 15th-18th 2015.
Our wireless ultrasound probe scanner became a highlight of fair, many customers were attracted, visit and enquire, also many customers were even attracted to our booth by its reputation after heard from others or received our flyer card.
Also our SS-8 ARM system laptop ultrasound scanner and C5 color doppler gained extensive attention and favorable reception by their high clear image and powerful function. Even 5 customers buy our exhibits on display.
For these reason, most of the time, our booth was under full capacity, some visitor we had to receive and talk out of the entrance. And because of our short of hands, some visitor had to wait and see, take flyer by themselves, we here sincerely apologized for there.