Let surgeon has a pair of "clairvoyant eyes"!
- 2023-03-03
- 860
- Sonostar Technologies Co., Limited
Webelievemost of ushave gone through B ultrtasound body checking. Inthe dim room, the ultrasonic main unit is like a
bulky robot,should beconnected to the ultrasonic probe with the cable.
Because of the advantages of accuracy, economy and harmless to human body, ultrasound is one of the most widely used
examinations in medical diagnosis, and the pathological changes of each part of the body can be diagnosed by
ultrasonography. In terms of medicaltreatment, ultrasound can also assist surgeons with the localization and guidance of
various puncture and surgical operations. However, connecting the ultrasonic probes to ultrasound main unit limits the
operator's movement, causing lots ofInconvenience If the ultrasound probes have no cable ,if the ultrasound can be
putinto the doctor's pocket ~ ~ This sounds like bullshit,but now , thisidea has become a reality, -the first domestic wireless ultrasound! A cell phone size probe + a cell phone or ipad canbe an ultrasound, and what it can
do is far beyond our imagination.
preoperative localization ofbreast tumor Small or deepbreast tumors need to be positioned before surgery because
it is difficult to touch.thebreast tumoris easy to move in thebreast the arm lifts and the drooping tumour in
thebreastposition will change, but the markon theskin cannot move.. When wireless ultrasound is available, surgeons can
locate them in real time before surgery so that the incision is more accurate and smaller. Preoperative location of rib fractureTraditional rib fracture surgery, the location of the incision can onlyestimated bydoctors
who cancombine touching on patient with fingerswith X-ray and this way forfat thickness of patients will be more difficult. The advent of wireless ultrasound just gives the doctor a
pair of eyes, ultrasound can clearly see the transverse, displaced bone fracture, so the surgical incision is more accurate. Preoperative and intraoperative localization of Abnormal objects in the body Abnormal objects injection intobodies,
because of the different angles and speed, the distance and depth of the wound is sometimes difficult toknow,
intraoperative C-arm perspective can only locate metalobjects, can not do non-metallic .
The wireless ultrasound can not only be positioned before operation, but also can be used in real-time operation.
lower extremity traffic venous puncture and laser closure byUltrasound guideLower extremity traffic venous reflux is an
important cause of varicose vein ulcer in lower limbs, although it can be ligated by laparoscopic surgery, but it is still
necessary to separate the fascia of calf muscle, and it is time-consuming and laborious.
Through the guidance of wireless ultrasound surgery, 3 mm diameter of the traffic veins can be needle punctured,
and then use laser to close the vessel cavity, more minimally invasive, faster.
Intraoperative Ultrasound guided varicose vein sclerosis in lower limbs
Sclerotherapy is an important adjuvant therapy for varicose veins of the lower extremity, and the treatment is effective if it
is necessary to inject the hardener into the blood vessels of the curved sheets. When the patient is obese subcutaneous
adipose thick, the body surface often can not even touch the varicose vein, this situation may use the wireless
ultrasonicforsurgery localization,Under "The Ultrasonic direct vision" the puncture vein For accurate sclerotherapy.
Surface swelling or hematoma puncture and drainage
Body subcutaneous swelling or hematoma, wireless ultrasound guidance in the wardis for puncture, drainage and other
The community screening of bodyabnormal objectsand thyroid nodules。
Wireless ultrasound can be fitted into a doctor's pocket to facilitate screening of bodyabnormal objects or thyroid nodules
during free clinics in the community.
The advent of wireless ultrasoundbrings thewireless technology in the medical field and lots of good to patients and solve
a series of problem. More requirements for doctos onehand grasps the knife, theotherhand grasps the probe, can better
serve the patient